YouTube starts with Iconic Media experts: from a desire to video publishing

Things that you need to know at the beginning of the road on YouTube

Social networks have already firmly entered our daily life, and it is no secret that millions of people every day follow their idols, subscribing to new channels with enviable regularity.

Today we will focus on those who want to become just such an idol for their audience.
So, here’s what you need.

First of all, a genuine desire.

Yes, if you are unsure whether you want to become famous or want for one day, and after a week of not seeing the result, you are too lazy to shoot.

It would be best to constantly remember that this whole journey is a marathon, not a sprint.
You cannot achieve lightning-fast results on your own.

Remember, ignore hate in comments. Think of it as another +1 active user on your page because haters are the main fans. They follow every step to write something up in the comments quickly.

And please, listen only to constructive criticism from users with experience in your topic!


Of course, modern cameras on phones are pretty good, and you can shoot using only it for the first time, but even for that, it’s still better to master basic shooting skills.

Be sure to find out what a correctly exposed horizon, angle, and perfectly placed light are.


Sound that’s what we do not see it, but we hear it. Bad sound can be annoying to the viewer, so the audio quality is even more important in content creation than video quality.

Judge for yourself, which is more pleasant to watch – high-quality video with horrible sound or medium quality video but with good sound?
Usually, a video that has received extensive views with a terrible sound is some tutorial or an explanation of something complicated. Perhaps the only reason why the authors of such videos record audio into the microphone from old headphones is that they have no goal of becoming famous.

Get a good mic for your purposes, and they differ from each other. Or use the voice recorder on your iPhone for the first time.


You don’t need to write everything down in detail like in movie scenarios.
Write down the main topics you want to consecrate, write an action script if your video is in vlog format.
It will significantly help you not forget to shoot something and help you later on at the editing step.
Don’t worry if something doesn’t work out at the beginning.

If you look at the first videos of famous bloggers, you will understand that at first, they were also constrained and shy in front of the camera. The skill of working in front of the camera comes with experience.

We had an occasion with a blogger who took teleprompter in credit to read the written text in advance out of his uncertainty. As soon as he began to review what he had filmed, he realized that it was somewhat even worse than it was before.

You are not on television, and the viewer immediately feels false and insincere emotions.
In the future, this blogger has created a new channel from scratch, gained more than 50,000 subscribers on YouTube within a few weeks, and after half a year, already his first million.

Conclusion: shoot, practice speech, be yourself, and do not think about numbers at first.
If the content is of high quality, then everything will come over time.


Some of the most popular are Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro X.
There are also other freeware programs such as iMovie for Mac OS. What to use is up to you.
Many of them have a free trial period so that you can test them.
Remember, the bottom line is the result, not how much money you spent on the software.
But the ability to quickly edit video and an understanding of the psychology of the modern viewer will come in handy for you.

Optimization and video publishing

After you have gone through these steps, you still need to render your masterpiece.
But that’s not all!

You will also need to choose the right title, choose the right keywords and write a description, and create an exciting thumbnail that the viewer wants to click.

The quality of content is growing every day, as is the competition.
As a result, viewers are becoming more demanding.

If you want to overcome the path to popularity quickly, our team is always ready to help you promote your YouTube channel, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok page!

Let's work together. Feel free to contact us!